Friday, December 30, 2016

Bye, 2016. It's Been Super Real.

We don't often blog on this blog, but when we do, it's to catch everyone up on our respective lives.

Kristen has been busy as all get out being a grad student, writing papers, and being published. If she wants to humblebrag about it (or just regular brag - it's her right, after all) then she'll probably do that.

So, what have the authors of this blog been up to in 2016? (Ignore the fact that we didn't post anything at all in 2015 even though we totally went to Peru together, which was kind of a big deal.)

Well, let me tell you about it with some pictures.

I got married and decided a destination wedding would be pretty rad, so we went to Morocco. Marrakesh, to be exact, but we also went to Essaouira and the Zagora desert.

 I also got knocked up the month after we got back from Morocco, so Kristen and Lisa threw me an awesome baby shower where they made me a children's book that was actually a guest book and they wrote what will surely be the seminal work of our time in the guestbook genre, "If You Give Mommy a Mimosa".
 Kristen and I hung out a lot. Mainly, she drove to Baltimore because she's a good friend, but also because my bladder shrunk and I couldn't walk 5 feet without needing to pee. I did, however, make it out to the Eastern Shore at least twice, where I ate her out of house and home (I WAS EATING FOR TWO, STOP JUDGING ME) and sweat profusely through her mattress.
I had a baby. Her name is Kerrigan, and she is feisty. Kristen not only came to the hospital to check on me, she was also in the room when they sawed open my midsection, used the full force of a fully grown man to push down on my ribs no less than 3 times, and then plopped (medical term) my uterus on my stomach and sewed it back together. Oh, and they also took a baby out of my body, but I felt like that was obvious from the picture. Unless it was someone else's baby and then we're both probably on a list somewhere for absconding with a child that didn't belong to us.

So, that's the year in 4 pictures.

It's 2016. David Bowie and Alan Rickman are dead, the nation elected an overly tan reality TV star as the president, and neither of the owners/writers of this blog are going to win our Great Read-a-Thon for this year. That said, 2016 was pretty good to me otherwise. As for Kristen?

Maybe she'll break out an end of year blog post and tell you the haps.

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